Thursday, December 20, 2012

Dream Interpretation

Dreams are interesting.  They tell us all kinds of things about ourselves.  Depending on what kind of dream you have can determine what you think about yourself, friends, family, and enemies and so on.  One kind of dream one can have, which lets face it is one that everyone has…the naked dream.  At first glance, the naked dream is much worse than it actually is.  Usually the only thing people remember about naked dreams is the fact that they were naked in front of everybody which is humiliating (to most at least).  When you further examine and pick apart your dream it all makes more sense.  When you have one of these dreams you must try and remember where you were and if the people there were staring at you.  Basically, clothes represent a security blanket, and without them you’re fully exposed.  When you have a dream that you’re naked in that generally means you are insecure about something.  How big or small the insecurity is depends on whether people are staring at you.  If people aren’t staring at you, than the insecurity is only visible to you, and you’re probably making a bigger deal out of it than you should be.  That about does it for the naked dream. 

Another dream that everyone has had is the one where you’re being chased.  Being chased in a dream stems from anxieties in your wakening life.  In “chase dreams” you are usually being pursued by something that you fear.  This next part says a lot about your personality.  When you’re being chased, do you turn around and confront your pursuer or do you run away?  If you run away like most people, than that says that you tend to “run away” or avoid your problems.  If you’re one of the brave that turns to confront the pursuer, you’re probably a person that’s not afraid to confront their problems.  Your pursuer might not be something you fear or something in your wakening life that’s causing you anxiety.  It could also possibly be a characteristic of yourself that you’re insecure about.  By running away from this trait, it shows that you are trying to suppress it.  Dreams tell you a lot about yourself, and those are just a few examples.  “An extremely rich source of practical advice, and other alternatives about what were doing in our lives.”  (Deirdre Barrett of Harvard University on dreams) 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Welcoming You to Your Dreams

I have been assigned the task of creating a blog which not only interests me, but can captivate others interest as well.  How many times do you wake up in the morning not remembering your dream? Or if you do, you remember bizarre splotches of them, and they don't make any sense.  I think it could be interesting to find out what they mean, and what our dreams say about us personally, and us as a society.

Dreams are odd, and it seems that everyone has the same types of dreams however the specific details of the dreams are different.  Some common dreams include naked dreams, falling dreams, sexual dreams, dreams where you're being chased, and recurring dreams.  Not only are these dreams common, but they have meanings and different variations of those meanings.  There are also different stages of sleep, and depending on the stage you're in, your dreams change.  There's nothing worse than trying to tell someone your dream and then either not remembering it, or sounding like a complete imbecile while trying to recite the imaginative journey that you previously took in your mind the night before.,82/dream-catcher-vector-580182.jpg

Day in and day out, we either have to hear someone else's rant about there dream that they either do or don't remember.  For some reason we find it interesting.  "Dreams are necessary to life."  Those are wise words of Anais Nin.  While she probably was talking about aspirations we have as human beings, it's also a scientific fact that we must dream to live.  Dreaming occurs during sleep, and we need sleep so therefore; we need sleep.  I've always been looking for a reason to further research dreams and this assignment gives me that opportunity.  I love the idea that the human brain does so much in the unconcious state after going through brutal daily tasks like going to work or school, dealing with emotions.  It honestly surprises me that we can function at all.  Its fascinating as well because there is so much to dreaming.  It's not simply falling asleep and thinking, there's stages of sleep, different classifications of sleep, and so on.  Really though, the most intriguing part of it all is what these dreams tell us about ourselves.  If you get good enough at analyzing dreams, you can diagnose not only your problems, but your friends, family, and nemesis' (if you so happen to have one) dreams as well. (Assuming they share their dreams with you).  If not, you can just share the information you know about dreams which is sure to fascinate everyone are you.  Dreams are just cool.