Thursday, December 20, 2012

Dream Interpretation

Dreams are interesting.  They tell us all kinds of things about ourselves.  Depending on what kind of dream you have can determine what you think about yourself, friends, family, and enemies and so on.  One kind of dream one can have, which lets face it is one that everyone has…the naked dream.  At first glance, the naked dream is much worse than it actually is.  Usually the only thing people remember about naked dreams is the fact that they were naked in front of everybody which is humiliating (to most at least).  When you further examine and pick apart your dream it all makes more sense.  When you have one of these dreams you must try and remember where you were and if the people there were staring at you.  Basically, clothes represent a security blanket, and without them you’re fully exposed.  When you have a dream that you’re naked in that generally means you are insecure about something.  How big or small the insecurity is depends on whether people are staring at you.  If people aren’t staring at you, than the insecurity is only visible to you, and you’re probably making a bigger deal out of it than you should be.  That about does it for the naked dream. 

Another dream that everyone has had is the one where you’re being chased.  Being chased in a dream stems from anxieties in your wakening life.  In “chase dreams” you are usually being pursued by something that you fear.  This next part says a lot about your personality.  When you’re being chased, do you turn around and confront your pursuer or do you run away?  If you run away like most people, than that says that you tend to “run away” or avoid your problems.  If you’re one of the brave that turns to confront the pursuer, you’re probably a person that’s not afraid to confront their problems.  Your pursuer might not be something you fear or something in your wakening life that’s causing you anxiety.  It could also possibly be a characteristic of yourself that you’re insecure about.  By running away from this trait, it shows that you are trying to suppress it.  Dreams tell you a lot about yourself, and those are just a few examples.  “An extremely rich source of practical advice, and other alternatives about what were doing in our lives.”  (Deirdre Barrett of Harvard University on dreams) 

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