Monday, January 14, 2013

Farewell to Blogging

I'll be the first to admit that I wasn't a big fan of blogging before I started this assignment.  I'm still not really that big on it, but I have to say; It’s grown on me.  The lessons that I liked doing the most had to be the ones where I was free to write about whatever I pleased.  I thought it was fun writing a movie review on maybe one of the greatest movies on dreams that there is.  Doing this assignment has given me some unique life skills as well.  People tell me about their dreams and usually I can immediately decipher what their problems in life might be, or just what their silly dreams mean.  Another thing I thought was fun was learning the Freudian theory of dreaming.  It's dark and demented characteristics were borderline sinister, but they strangely make sense.  Some really difficult things to write about was the informational pieces.  The only reason for this is because it's difficult to access studies done by reliable sources like colleges/universities.  The only was to access that information is if you are a part of a study group, or you are willing to pay for it...and I wasn't quite given the budget needed to grab some of that info.  I personally wouldn’t recommend blogging for people that are “on the fence” about doing it.  I think that blogging should be something that you’re really committed to, not just a once in a while occasional post.  Also, I would recommend that if you are going to start blogging you should take time to pick a topic that you know something about already.  Also the topic you pick should be something that your intrigued by.   If nothing else, this assignment taught me some new computer skills, so now I am just that much more computer savvy.  Writing the movie review was fun because I got to watch “Inception”, and “The Nightmare on Elm Street” again.  If I were to do the assignment again, I definitely would not procrastinate as long as I did this time.   Dreams were an interesting topic, and there is so much do be discovered about dreams.  While I can say with the utmost confidence that I will not be blogging anymore, I may keep up with the most current studies on dream just because I personally find it fascinating.   Blogging about dreams also brought me up to speed on the Freudian theory.  I heard that he was a wack-job before but reading up on it completely confirmed that he is in fact, “crazier than a loon.”  That being said, I’m sure for his time his ideas made sense to most people because of the technology and studies being what they were.  All in all, there were some fun aspects to blogging, and some things that made me want to pull my own teeth out of my skull.  I pressed on, learned some cool new things about the human brain, sleeping, and most importantly dreams.  Goodbye, world of blogging.

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