Sunday, January 13, 2013

Last Nights Dream
Last night I had an especially unusual dream. I thought it would be a good opportunity to show how to analyze a dream. Let's recap the day's events. I had a pretty uneventful day of school, had a riveting conversation about dogs with my friend Joel, had a basketball game, and watched a documentary on a man who had seizures at least once a day. Personally, I think seizures are probably the scariest thing that can happen to a human being. Also, one thing you should know is my basketball coach tends to be a bit on the cranky side. So I'm dreaming, doing my sleeping thing and all of the sudden I'm in a basketball game. In a timeout. The game is on the line. My coach, rather unhappy with what I'm doing reaches over and touches my arm. The very second he touches my arm; he drops to the floor and starts having a seizure. I wake up, almost too terrified to open my eyes. The next day I was explaining my dream to my friends. Because I am now an expert at analyzing dreams I believe that I know what my dream meant. For one, my coach was simply there because he was a big part of my day. The seizure part is what intrigues me. I don't believe that just because I had watched a TV show about seizures that that's why I dreamed he had been having a seizure. I remember that everyone in the gym seemed unaffected by my coach seizing up. To me, this means that I was scared about disappointing my coach, and I was afraid that I was going to let him down when it counted the most. The seizure was probably a bit of an exaggeration, but it all makes sense if you think about it. This just goes to show that what you dream about has a direct correlation to your everyday wakening life.

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